Key Benefits for Home IPS according to Resolution 2275

Key Benefits for Home IPS according to Resolution 2275

Resolution 2275 of 2023 issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia is transforming the way in which home-based Service Provider Institutions (IPS) operate and provide care to patients. In this blog, we will explore the key benefits that this regulation brings to the home health sector.

  1. Improvement in Data Management

The implementation of Resolution 2275 has revolutionized the way home IPS handle patient data. Now, they have a more efficient and accurate Individual Record of Health Services Provision (RIPS). This makes it easier to track care provided, identify patterns, and make informed decisions.

  1. Transparencia en los Procesos

La normativa promueve la transparencia en los procesos administrativos y de facturación. Las IPS domiciliarias pueden generar Facturas Electrónicas de Venta (FEV) de manera más ágil y precisa, reduciendo el riesgo de errores y fraudes. La trazabilidad de las operaciones es fundamental para mantener la confianza de los pacientes y las entidades reguladoras.

  1. Eficiencia Operativa

La automatización de los registros y la digitalización de los documentos contribuyen a una mayor eficiencia operativa en las IPS domiciliarias. El tiempo y los recursos que antes se destinaban a tareas manuales ahora se pueden enfocar en la atención al paciente. Esto se traduce en una mejora significativa en la calidad del servicio.

  1. Operating efficiency

The automation of records and the digitization of documents contribute to greater operational efficiency in home IPS. Time and resources previously spent on manual tasks can now be focused on patient care. This translates into a significant improvement in the quality of service.

  1. Normative compliance

Compliance with regulations is essential for the proper functioning of home IPS. Resolution 2275 ensures that institutions adjust to established standards, avoiding sanctions and protecting their reputation in the health sector. The commitment to legality benefits both the IPS and the patients.


In summary, Resolution 2275 is not only a legal obligation, but an opportunity for domiciliary IPS to improve their operation, provide quality service and keep up to date with the latest technologies. Digital transformation is key to the future of home care in Colombia.

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